Bricks@Woden tickets now on sale for Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th May!


Where can I learn more about LEGO modelling?

  • CLUG The Canberra Lego User Group (CLUG) is a family-focused club that accepts members of all ages. We meet once per month at the Hellenic Club Woden to discuss and share our love of LEGO. Please refer to our website for more information.

  • The Brothers Brick A great collection of some of the best LEGO creations on the planet.

  • Eurobricks Very large forum divided into all the various LEGO themes.

  • Brick Set Reference for all LEGO sets with reviews, part listings and instructions.


Where can I get more LEGO bricks?

There are many places that LEGO sets, bricks and even instructions can be purchased new or second-hand.


  • Bricks to the World Australia’s largest online LEGO reseller.

  • LEGO Shop at Home (S@H) All the latest LEGO sets. Some are exclusive to S@H and not available in other shops in Australia.

    New & Second-Hand

  • Brick Link The world’s largest collection of online LEGO stores. Search for anything (bricks, sets, instructions, minifigures etc) and find out which shops have them. Missing a piece or two from one of your sets? This is a great place to get a replacement. Be careful to factor postage into the purchase price though.